Internal Audit
From July 2010 Bushenyi district which was composed of 5 counties was sprit into five districts, Each county was up graded into a district status.
Audit had 6 staff as under;
- I. Mbahone moses Principal internal auditor
- II. Twesigye Gad senior internal auditor
- III. Magyezi Felix Internal auditor
- IV. Muganzi Julius Internal auditor
- V. Mujasi David Internal auditor
- VI. Ahimmbisibwe G Internal auditor
With the sprit, status changed from model 1 to model 2 where the structure only allows for two staff; principal internal auditor and internal auditor.
Like other newly created districts, only one auditor is place, recruitment of another staff is under way.
New Bushenyi is now run by Mr Magyezi Felix Amanya In acting position.
About Internal Audit
Internal audit is mandated to effectively ensure that all government resources are accounted for and ensure that there is value for money in a bid to promote transparency and proper accountability. The main duties of audit include:-
- Verifying financial transactions of the Council to ensure compliance to financial regulations, procedures and practices.
- Carrying out Value for money assessment of on-going projects in council.
- Advising council on matters regarding financial accountability.
- Manpower Audit. Proper placement and recruitment should be properly done for effective and efficient performance.
Internal audit faces some challenges
- Failure to get feedback/action taken on submitted reports and recommendations made from some Sector Heads/Heads of Department.
- Failure to follow the Financial Regulations in place by staff /clients thus causing financial impropriety.
- Failure by a few upcountry Accounts staff to exhibit professionalism as regards job execution, headquarter inclusive.
- Low facilitation due to limited local revenue.
However, the Chief Administrative Officer appreciates the role of internal audit, hence, facilitating and taking action on raised issues. Bushenyi has always been ranked good performer as far as accountabilities are concerned because of good internal audit and such good performance will be transferred to new sprit districts. Mother district Bushenyi will be on fore front.